Thursday, January 31, 2013

Celebrating a First!

We introduced the idea of potty training to Ellie on Sunday, just a few days ago. As I mentioned in another post we think she's ready. When we ask her if she wants to go potty she runs down the hall yelling "yaaaaaay!" She gladly sits on the potty. Sometimes it's just for a few seconds and sometimes it's for a while where we have a snack, read books, and talk until she is done. We ask her at least 2 times a day at home, during the work week, if she wants to try. We ask in the morning and once or twice in the evening/night. And, as of Tuesday (January 29th) Growing Kids Academy said they would help her too! They have real toilets like you would see in any public facility but only their toilets are tiny for the little kids!!! I'm excited that the potty training effort will be reinforced and encouraged at school too, this should really help.

Today marks an important day in Ellie's potty training. I am so happy to say that at 8:40am Ellie peed in the potty!!! Success!!! We've had our first official potty achievement. Ellie and I high-fived each other, we yelled "yay!" together, and she got her yummy yogurt drops as a treat. Afterward, all she wanted to do was run around naked and eat yogurt drops. Not exactly in the plan for our morning routine. I finally got her dressed and hurriedly tried to get her to come over and get her coat on so we cold leave-- but she decided to play "nigh-nigh" where she goes limp in her chair and pretends to snore. I say "Come on EllieBelle! We HAVE to go now. Wake up! Wake Up!" Only for her to become even more relaxed, crack a smile, and repeat her "snoring". This girl....

Once we got to daycare, I shared our exciting potty news. I had already sent Randall an all caps text telling him what our big girl did. I also called my mom right away because I just had to talk to someone about it right away and Randall was already in class. And, really, my mom has been getting the play-by-play of Ellie's potty adventures since we bought the seat. She has listened and responded with encouragement and excitement so I'll make myself feel better about nagging her and say that "she deserved a call to tell her about a successful morning with the potty." ;) I pretty much told everyone that would cross my path or listen- Randall, mom, daycare, my office mate, coworkers, my hairdresser, the Facebook world...anyone really! And, because I have such awesome people in my life, our news was not belittled or scoffed at, each one of the people we told had a warm and knowing smile. Many people even shared a comment or anecdote explaining their experience and reinforced how exciting it really is when little ones have success in potty training. Even Facebook friends came out of the woodwork to "like" Ellie's accomplishment or give a shout out. We really are blessed with awesome people in our lives!

Later on in the evening one of Randall's former soccer players who has become closer to our family over the last year and a half asked if she could come over. We said sure, and as it turned out she had seen my celebratory post on Facebook and went out and bought Ellie a present for going on the potty! It was a Beauty and the Beast tea set. Absolutely perfect! Ellie loved it and immediately wanted to play with it.

Ellie is becoming a big girl that's for sure--and she knows it! This morning when I went into her room she handed me her paci and said "baby." I said "Yeah, pacis are for babies. Are you a baby?" she shook her head and said "no," and then I said "Are you a big girl?" and she responded by nodding with a wide open mouth and wide eyes, the way she does when she hears something she really likes and agrees with. I'm fully aware that this is just the beginning of it all when it comes to potty training, and I know we have a long way to go, but it really is great to be able to celebrate life's simple joys like this first in Ellie's life with so many people who love her. What an exciting day, start to finish!

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