Sunday, January 27, 2013

19 Months Old!

Today our silly little girl is 19 months old! Today was nothing spectacular but it has been filled with moments that entertained us, as usual. And of, course more moments we want to freeze in time.

I think the time has come to begin potty training, I think Ellie is ready, if not we'll take it slow! Randall isn't as excited or motivated to push Ellie in this direction because it means she's growing up. I'm conflicted on the matter because I know its time and I want to help her, it makes me proud and excited to see her so proud and excited, but it makes me sad for a fleeting second that she's becoming a big girl.

Anyway, I decided to buy her a potty seat instead of a fancy potty chair because some children have a hard time transitioning from the little potty to the big potty. Potty training is a big enough deal, once they've mastered it, why throw a monkey wrench in and change seats? So, I cut out the middle man and got a "Wee Pod" seat which had tons of awesome reviews and was half the cost of a potty chair. It's one solid, molded piece of a plastic/foam-like material so it's comfy for kids to sit on. I like that it's one piece so it's easier to clean and I don't have to worry about bacteria lurking because there aren't any seams or crevices.

Last night was attempt #1 we tried to sit on the potty in Ellie's bathroom right before bath time. I showed her the new potty seat and I told her it was a place to go pee pee or poopy. Then I asked her if she wanted to sit on the potty. She humored me and said "yes" and seemed amused by her new seat. After a few moments she reached out to me as if to say "alright, enough of this, it's bath time!!!" I know how much Ellie loves her baths so I didn't want her to associate the potty as a bad thing that kept her away from her beloved bath time. So into the bath she went and when she was done she showed interest in the potty again. Yay!!!! She pointed to and patted the seat. I asked her if she wanted to sit on the potty again and she nodded with a big smile. I sat her on the potty-- nothing. She pointed to the seat and said "mommy, mommy, mommy" and reached out for me. I got her down and said that yes, mommy uses the potty too and I modeled it for her. She squatted in front of me and promptly peed on the floor. Not so awesome, but at least she knew what we were talking about!

This morning when Ellie woke up I walked into her room and she was serenading her stuffed animals with a cat song- a simple "meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow..." She learned a new animal noise this weekend :) Only her "meow" has an 'L' in it so its really like "meowl". When I got her out of the crib I asked her if she wanted to sit on the potty again and she nodded and ran to her bathroom saying "yaaaaaay" and clapping. Sweet, she's excited! She sat on the potty and smiled but nothing happened. That's ok, we'll keep trying. I'm glad for her excitement about something new.

After I put her new diaper on we went back in her room and I stood on my knees picking out an outfit for her to wear. She watched me go back and forth on my knees for a minute and then ran out of the room to find daddy. A few minutes later I called her and called her. I could hear Randall nicely coaxing her to "go see mommy!" I kept calling and getting a little annoyed that she wasn't listening only to get up and look into the hallway to see Ellie slowly but surely making her way to me-- walking on her knees and smiling as big as she could! Haha, too funny!

After church we went to Nana and G-Diddy's house for lunch. They bought Ellie a new tea set and had a tea party set up for her when we arrived. We all had a turn being served by our fabulous hostess, Miss Ellie. She is very gracious and makes wonderful pouring sounds as she serves our tea and cream. After lunch we stopped by Grandma and Grampy's house for a quick visit. We got to play with them and Aunt Geri, and because Hunter was spending the weekend with his father Ellie even got to play with Legos! She thought the Legos were great. She made herself laugh so hard by picking up handfuls and dropping them back into the bucket from way above her head. She also liked stirring the Legos and hearing the clicking and clattering sounds and watching all of the colors swirl. Did you know that Legos aren't just blue, red, black, white, yellow and green anymore? I didn't! Ellie particularly liked the lime green and light blue ones but there is also orange and probably every other color under the sun too.

Ellie crashed hard when we got home, but not before obsconding with mom and dad's anniversary balloon. They just celebrated their 38th wedding anniversary :) After nap time she had a good dinner, we played in her kitchen (she insists that you wear a Krispy Kreme hat when you play in the kitchen), and she did her best to start a game of me chasing her around the house. She knows how to have fun! Before bedtime I asked Ellie if she wanted to try sitting on the potty again and she got a big smile on her face and nodded, jumped off the couch, and ran saying "yaaaaay"! I put her on the potty and waited but nothing happened. She reached out for me and I got her down and put a fresh diaper on and celebrated with her and daddy that "Ellie tried!! She sat on the potty and tried!!" I'm totally ok that she didn't actually use the potty, we'll work together at this, a little at her pace, a little at mine. Another month older-- and another month full of love, smiles, and laughs!

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