Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Girly Girl

I haven't meant to take such a long hiatus from blogging. I'm going to do my best to catch up and share some of the great things that have been happening and capture them in this blog for safekeeping. I've been logging blog topic ideas in the notepad on my phone and I have a list of 17 topics I want to share! Time to get down to business :)

Back in the winter time we discovered that we may have a bit of a girly girl on our hands-- without any prompting mind you. Randall and I have been careful not to go the "everything pink and princess" route, but it's definitely creeping into our lives faster than we think from sources beyond our parenting. We don't object to it by any means, we'll encourage anything she loves and support her favorite things (as long as they are healthy and not harmful to herself or others!).

One of the ways we've seen this girly girl develop is in her love for her jewelry and her zebra striped fur coat. The coat was a wonderful surprise gift from Ellie's former babysitter also the neighbor diagonally behind us. And, more recently she has been very interested in the color pink-- right down to refusing "yellow" yogurt (banana vanilla) and only eating the "pink" yogurt (strawberry banana, or mixed berry). Before she would keep the purple things for herself, give Randall the blue, and me the pink stuff whether it's jewlery or the cupcakes from her kitchen. She will spend a good deal of time putting necklaces and bracelets on and sharing them with Randall and me and wearing her fur coat even if we're sitting by the fireplace with no plans to leave. She enjoys using her Vera Bradley purse she got for her first birthday from Nana, the dress up Minnie Mouse doll from Grandma she got at Christmas, talking on her phones, using mommy's Chapstick whenever she can, tea sets, and of course this girl LOVES her babies!

One morning as I was getting Ellie ready for daycare she threw a tantrum, which, at that point, was still pretty rare for her. Through some prodding and guessing I discovered that the issue was her coat. She didn't want then warm, fleece-on-the-inside-waterproof-on-the-outside more casual coat I had selected for the weather outdoors. Nope, she wanted the dressy fur coat. As soon as I put the coat on she BEAMED with happiness. This was my first experience as a mother where I took my daughter out in public in something I knew looked ridiculous (fur coats weren't meant to be paired with hot pink fleece pants!). But, it made her happy and I instantly gained an appreciation for the moms out there who are just looking to make their kids happy by letting them wear what they want to wear out in public. There's something about allowing them to have a say in their appearance, right? They have to feel good about themselves, even if she wasn't even two years old yet, it was important to her so it was important to me :)

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